SBCVC was listed on the "China’s Top 30 Foreign Investors of the Year 2021" and "China’s Top 50 Venture Capital Firms of the Year 2021" at the CVINFO's China Venture Capital & Private Equity Awarding ceremony in June, 2022.
The event, organized by China Venture Info (CVINFO), the top investment research and consulting institute in China, recognized top investment firms and investors in China.
SBCVC and its portfolio companies were also listed on the Healthcare and Health Services industry list as below.
According to CVinfo, the publisher of the list, it tries to contribute a panorama of the Chinese private equity market in 2021 with CVAward and inspires the industry and investors to have ‘the courage to ride out the storm’.
CVinfo, as an independent third-party organization, has published the CVAward for the 16th consecutive year, a series of lists of Chinese venture capital firms and private equity investments. The list is also known as the wind vane of the domestic equity investment industry, and is currently an important funding basis for many large institutional limited partners.
As a witness and a deep participant in China's venture capital industry from its birth to its emergence, SBCVC has always been committed to discovering the next great companies and creating more value for society. In the future, SBCVC will continue to work together with its portfolio companies to build up strength, witness growth, and meet the challenges of the times.